Just after Thanksgiving I had a little outing with the family, some of my viewers were there, and below are some pictures I took that night. A large group of us went to the Toledo Zoo to see the annual Lights Before Christmas display. I've always enjoyed going and seeing the lights, and this year I took the camera along. I'll grade the pictures as a C to C-, but I'll post some anyway. Maybe next year I'll have some better understanding of night photography.
A pretty blue tree! I wonder how long it took them to put the lights on this tree and whose idea it was to use only blue lights. Who know, maybe blue lights are cheaper then other lights or maybe they use less power. It dosn't matter really, the tree looked great, and this is one of the better pictures I took.
I'll call the above picture seeing the forest for the trees. I'll say it had potential, maybe if I had used a tripod. I didn't want to lug one around though so it is what it is.
This isn't the greatest picture, but I liked how the tree kind of came out as glowing. It was taken early in the outing, and probably would have turned out a lot better 30 minutes later. But oh well, we had to get over to the big tree.
I thought this tree looked like a monster of some type, fairly fitting for a zoo I suppose. Not much to say on this one, but I welcome any and all comments on all of the above picture. I left some out that I will call "accidents that came out well." I'll post those in a seperate post another day.
I also should mention that we are in the middle of an ice store warning (the weatherman just called it a "messy winter storm") so maybe I'll be posting pictures of ice tommorow. My bet is that campus will be closed tommorow....and if I am feeling up to it I may treck out early on a little photo shoot. Who am I kidding.....early afternoon maybe.
Adam---those pictures came out fantastic. That blue tree is great and the green monster---is--well I took the same pic and it is nowhere near as great as yours. And BTW---I hope my present isn't included in your last presents to buy!!!!!
Thank you! Thank you! :)
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